Academic Recovery Program

According to the University policy, students enter the academic probation process when their cumulative GPA is below 2.0 or term GPA is or is below 1.0. During the probation process, students are required to meet with an Academic Success Coach and schedule a series of support activities as part of their academic recovery. Part of the support system includes choosing and fully participating in one of the following support programs:

  1. Attending at least four Tutoring sessions,
  2. Meeting regularly with a Peer Mentor,
  3. Working consistently with an Academic Success Coach, or
  4. Enrolling in the College Success Strategies course (SSRV 154).

These activities are designed to identify the factors that contributed to your academic challenges, address these challenges, and/or build stronger academic skills for future success.

The probation process will end once your semester GPA and overall cumulative GPA are both at least 2.0. You may have up to two semesters of attendance to accomplish this on a case-by-case basis. In the meantime, you must earn a term GPA of at least 2.0 each semester.

To help you develop a plan for academic growth and success, please take full advantage of the resources available at the University of Redlands. Please contact the Student Development Center at 909-748-8069.

Students' Experiences in the Academic Probation Process 

"Coming to the University of Redlands hit me like a ton of bricks. I’d done well in high school but I just wasn’t prepared for the way college works, how much reading some professors assign, or the fancy language some people use. When I ended up on academic probation, I felt like a failure, like I didn’t belong. After a while, I realized that probation didn’t define me as a person or limit my potential as a student. Yes, I struggled, but it wasn’t that I couldn’t do the work. I needed to learn how to do college. It took some time, but I made an effort to take advantage of as many resources like tutoring and others as I could: I met with my advisor started spending more time at the library. Now, I’m on track to graduate and I know that I deserve to be here just as much as anyone else."

"A few semesters back, I was struggling with some mental health issues. I felt like I was barely holding it together. I couldn’t focus on my studies, so probation didn’t come as a surprise. But it did help me realize that I didn’t know how to deal with everything, so I reached out for some guidance from people around me including one of my close friends and a counselor at the Counseling Center and my advisor. They helped me learn how to manage my mental health better—to take care of myself and get support when I need it. I still struggle sometimes, but overall I’m doing better mentally and academically now, and I’ve learned how to deal with stress and hard times more effectively when they come up."

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