
Assistant Professor; School Counseling Program Coordinator
教育学院, Department of Counseling and Human Services



P: 909.748.8814
E: yang_ai@雷德兰兹.edu

Fostering a socially just and inclusive community is my drive as a counselor educator. 与多样性有关的事宜, 股本, 包容对我的教学至关重要, 研究, 咨询, 和监督. My commitment to the promotion of these factors in the field of counselor education stems from a deeply seated passion for improving the lives of all students and clients. My passion is cultivated through my personal and professional experiences of recognizing the role of culture in well-being. 作为一门人类发展和心理健康学科, I believe that counselor education plays a vital role in fostering an inclusive environment to meet the needs of our diverse communities.

专业领域 & 学术兴趣





研究 & 专业突出

在加入威尼斯人平台之前, Ai worked in school counselor and teacher roles at an underprivileged public high school in Missouri for six years. He is honored to have many chances to learn from his students regarding their experiences of responding to the academic, 社会/情感, 职业生涯, 物理, 以及制度障碍. 作为国家认证的咨询师, 艾也和成年人一起工作, 夫妻, 还有大学咨询小组, 职业咨询, 以及社区环境. His prior clinical supervision experiences include supervising school counselors and clinical mental health counselors-in-training. Ai’s current 研究 agenda includes 职业生涯 development of adolescents and international students, 循证威尼斯人平台咨询, acculturation-related问题, and the professional development of college 咨询 students.


人工智能,Y., & 教皇,M. (2022). Predictors of 职业生涯 decision self-efficacy for East Asian international students. A roundtable presentation at the 2022 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 加州阿纳海姆,6月27日至29日.

人工智能,Y., & 和记黄埔,B.  (2022).  搜索ing for 职业生涯 agency and justice in the West: Asia international student experiences. A roundtable presentation at the 2022 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference. 加州阿纳海姆,6月27日至29日. 

Shinde P., i, Y., & 邵,H.  (2020).  通过社交情感的视角来探索整个孩子. A presentation at the 美国心理咨询协会 2020 Conference & 世博会,圣地亚哥,加州,4月16日至19日. (This presentation was accepted though not presented due to the conference being canceled in response to COVID-19)

李,D., i, Y., & 史蒂芬斯. (2019). 心理咨询伦理教育:运用文化适应模式. A presentation at the 咨询师教育与监督协会 Conference, 西雅图, 华盛顿, 10月10日.

Wilke K., i, Y.,电缆,E., & 斯科特,年代. (2019). 大学生对网络课程设计的看法. A panel presentation at the Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference (FTTC), 密苏里大学-圣. 路易斯,圣. 密苏里州路易斯,9月26日至27日.

邦,NM,海登,S., & 人工智能,Y. (2019). Teaching 职业咨询 courses in counselor education programs. A panel presentation at the 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 休斯顿, 德州, 6月27 - 29.

人工智能,Y. (2019). Confucianism and Trumpism: Barriers that Asian international students face in finding jobs in the U.S. A roundtable presentation at the 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 休斯顿, 德州, 6月27 - 29.

白色,R.赫本-理查森,L., & 人工智能,Y. (2019). Exposing visible and invisible 职业生涯 barriers for international students in higher education. A panel presentation at the 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 休斯顿, 德州, 6月27 - 29.

詹金斯K.唐,M.柯林斯,B., & 人工智能,Y. (2019). Multicultural 咨询 development from a relational-cultural theory framework: Teaching multicultural development through authenticity. A panel presentation at the 美国心理咨询协会 2020 Conference & 博览会,新奥尔良,路易斯安那州,3月28日至30日.

人工智能,Y. (2018). 中国高校职业生涯咨询的研究与实践. A roundtable presentation at the 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 凤凰城, 亚利桑那州, 6月21 - 24日.

K歌,.佛罗里达州的多尔纳., & 人工智能,Y. (2018). Enhancing bi-literacy through multi-language family stories in urban schools: Opportunities and challenges. A panel presentation at the Cambio de Colores Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 6-8.

K歌,., & 人工智能,Y. (2018). Linguistic and racial 股本 in teaching immigrant and refugee learners. A presentation at the Cambio de Colores Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 6-8.

和记黄埔,B., & 人工智能,Y. (2015). 职业咨询 in emerging markets: An encore panel of international 职业生涯 professionals. A panel presentation at the 全国职业发展协会(NCDA) Global Conference, 丹佛, 科罗拉多州, 6月29日至7月2日.

人工智能,Y. (2014). Possible problems and countermeasures of happenstance learning theory applied to vocational guidance in China: from a college perspective. A presentation at the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Conference, 火奴鲁鲁, 夏威夷, 5月19 - 21日.

人工智能,Y. (2013). Quality of education in China via paper analysis over the past decade. A presentation at the 5th International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference at 哈佛大学, 哈佛大学, 波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, 5月26 - 30日.


人工智能,Y. (2017). 中国文化与心理咨询. A lecture for a graduate course: Foundations of Multicultural Counseling (invited by Dr. Mark Pope),密苏里大学圣路易斯市分校. 路易斯,密苏里州.

人工智能,Y. (2017). 基于网络/在线咨询. A lecture for a graduate course: Personal and Professional Development in Counseling, 密苏里大学-圣. 路易斯,密苏里州.

人工智能,Y. (2016). 中国的职业咨询. A lecture for a graduate course: Career Information and Development, 密苏里大学-圣. 路易斯,密苏里州.

人工智能,Y. (2016). 普通话教学方法与教材开发. A presentation for a graduate course: Method and Material Development in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, 密苏里大学-圣. 路易斯,密苏里州.


Ph.D., Counselor Education and Supervision, University of Missouri–St. 路易斯,2020年(CACREP认证)

M.Ed.,临床心理健康咨询,密苏里大学圣. 路易斯,2016年(CACREP认证)

M.A., Educational Administration and Economy, Wuhan University, China, 2010



李,D., & 人工智能,Y. (2020). 国际辅导学生的伦理文化适应. 国际学生学报. 10(4), 1103-1109.

人工智能,Y., & 霍普金斯,年代. (2019). Engaging teens in 职业生涯 development through technology: A case study in Canada. 亚太职业发展学报,2(1),23-35.

邱,我., & 人工智能,Y. (2016). Educational quality: Analysis and inspirations of three types of conceptual models. Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), 1, 133-138.

邱,我., & 人工智能,Y. (2013). Bibliometrical analysis of the quality of higher education 研究 papers in China. 中国高等教育研究,2,17-20.

人工智能,Y. (2012). 中美一流大学比较分析. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 37(1), 201-204.


教皇,M., i, Y.鲍迪,C.R., & 米勒,C.A. (2019). 职业评估的历史和应用. 在K.B. Stoltz & S.R. 巴克莱(Eds.),《澳门威尼斯人官方网》(第7版).) (pp. 3-24). 全国职业发展协会.

人工智能,Y. (2016). 教育评价方法综述. 在J. 秋,B. 王, & J. 唐(Eds.教育评价:理论、方法与实践. 科学出版社.

人工智能,Y. (2016). 教育评价的定量方法. 在J. 秋,B. 王, & J. 唐(Eds.教育评价:理论、方法与实践. 科学出版社.

专业团体、学会、 & 会员资格





奖项,荣誉 & 奖助金

Graduate School Travel 研究 奖助金 ($5,111 in total, 2013-2019), 密苏里大学-圣. 路易

Des Lee Collaborative Vision Scholarship (2014, 2019), 密苏里大学-圣. 路易

Ling Li Memorial Graduate Scholarship (2016, 2017, 2018), 密苏里大学-圣. 路易




First-Class Scholarship for Graduate Students, Wuhan University